Tag Archives: drogon

GAME OF THRONES- The Throne Died

Well, the time has come. If I do not sit now and release all of this, I never will.

Game of Thrones has ended, after eight seasons and a decade of stories. The end arrived and in the worst way possible.

In the list of disgusting and shameful endings, Game of Thrones somehow managed to steal the crown from the infamous Lost and Dexter. You cannot be able to raise the bar this high and then jump to oblivion because you are tired, lame or out of excuses. On the other hand, simply the fact I have concluded, Weiss and Benioff were in a rush to Star Wars with Disney (yeah, that nightmare is happening).

Years of buildup and engaging fandom, to don’t give a damn about storylines and character arcs.

So lets assume everyone saw it, no one liked it (that’s a fact), and now let’s list a series of questions left by the series finale that gives us this unfulfilling sensation, putting aside that they killed both of the main heroes.

The questions be:

Why the hell even exists a Night’s Watch? It looks like a Wildlings Tourist destination, there is no longer white walkers on the other side.

Is Jon the King North of the Wall? That is what appears to be his … punishment?.

Who gave a SLAVE Greyworm voice and vote to decide whether Jon has a trial or not? Who is he? The only thing that gave him power was the Dragon Queen and she no longer exists. And he deserved to be impaled on the finale, but instead got a “happy slave ever after ending”.

Bran cannot see the future, or does he? He practically said that he knew he would be King. And as far as we know he as the three eye raven can only travel to the past. Moreover, why does he needs a Master of Whispers? He is the Master of Whispers!

What happened to the Dothraki army? Did they just vanished?

Why was Daenerys bleeding from her nose? She was stabbed; it does not make any sense.

There are plenty of more questions beginning with the fact that the feeling that Bran is really a villain is something unshakable. He has the face and attitude for it; because if he knew he would be King he could have prevented “The Bells” genocide.

No one was protecting Daenerys, no one actually sits on the Iron Throne and Drogon, as a rationally being he is, burns it to the ground. That is the big wtf moment.

In addition, she went mad and did a good job for five seconds on “The Bells”, but when we saw “The Iron Throne”, she was once again a Disney Princess in love with Jon Snow, and not even acting mad. That is not Emilia’s fault; it is not only poor writing but also bad acting coach.

The fact that ruined me the most with Jon’s entire arc, was that Tyrion had to convince him that genocide was something bad, he was trying to justify her and he doesn’t know her or love her that much.

All the buildup for Arya in “The Bells” was absolutely for NOTHING, she did NOTHING at the end. The word is even worse than disappointing.

The fact is that I do not want to talk of this anymore, I do not have the energy, and my heart is broken. I will not pay ever again for any HBO service, this was mistreat to the fans and in the same year they made a fake “documentary feature”. I was ready to let that one slide, but this got me.

If the BBC developed Game of Thrones, the story would be very different.

Hasta nunca HBO.

GAME OF THRONES- El Genocidio de una Historia

No es difícil entender por qué el público ha odiado tanto, la temporada final de Game of Thrones.

Y no, no es por el hecho de matar o no personajes favoritos, ya que esa es la esencia del show y a todos nos encanta; es por el hecho de asesinar storylines y crear arcos inexistentes, en personajes que hemos visto desarrollarse bajo un ritmo propio, por ocho temporadas non-stop.

El penúltimo episodio de la serie lo que hizo fue comprobar es que Hollywood siempre será una máquina de efectos especiales y material pre-fabricado, que descarta la conexión humana que puedas generar con una audiencia y lo reemplaza con explosiones, recreando escenarios atroces como bombardeos en Siria de una forma tan superficial que dan ganas de vomitar. Así se explica el genocidio out of character de la Reina Dragon.

Uno se puede imaginar a una mesa llena de ejecutivos dignos de la era #MeToo a lo Weinstein en HBO diciendo: Bueno tienes tanta plata para hacer esto, le queremos sacar tanto, pero me lo recortas de esta manera y eso si “elevemos expectativas y engañemos a la audiencia” asi el profit es mayor.

La verdad es que 6 episodios, con 4 de 1 hora y media es un sacrilegio para lo que fue históricamente la mejor serie que piso la pantalla chica. Mejor lo dejaban en 10 de 1 hora, que permitía aires de días o meses en el mundo ficticio entre episodios, que, aunque sea daban una sensación de progreso en la linea de tiempo.

Ahora desglosemos los asesinatos más viles de esta historia del domingo, empezando por su precursora:

Daenerys Targaryen:

Había señales, de eso no hay duda, herencia Targaryen. Pero a pesar que Emilia Clarke no es una mala actriz, tampoco está al nivel de Maisie Williams o Lena Headey, si no le dan material con el que trabajar o por lo menos un mínimo de coaching, nada de esto tiene sentido.

Ella salta de solo tener algo de carácter, porque le corresponde, es una mujer diminuta con cero entrenamientos en campo de batalla o arena política y que solo se debe a sus tres dragones; a ser un genocida violento facho, que aparte en menos de un minuto desarrolló skills con el dragon esquivando flechas, que no probó poseer en los episodios anteriores.

Debo reconocer que la realidad es que Danerys siempre fue una idea, por esto mismo de que Emilia Clarke no es una actriz excepcional, cuando matan a Missandei la audiencia no siente nada, ni por lo que transmite Daenerys y también porque Nathalie Enmanuel es una actriz promedio que se perdía en el fondo. El momento de lágrimas fue Jorah, pero por Ian Glen que es un genio.

Si Arya (Maisie Williams) se convertia en un genocida, eso si iba a ser un golpe en los riñones con secuelas que perduran años, nuevamente no solo por el arco bien construido de Arya sino también por la excepcional actuación de Maisie.

El punto es que, por más que quizás estaba en los astros planteado, no lo lograron a nivel de storytelling y asesinaron completamente su personaje. Lo arruinaron. No es como un Anakin Skywalker, Hayden Christensen no tenía mucho con que ser buen actor, pero el arco aunque sea lo intentaron empujar.

Ya resulta repulsivo hasta verla en fotos, de esto no hay vuelta atrás.

Cersei Lannister:

Caso contrario de Daenerys y Emilia, Cersei y Lena tuvieron una construcción de arco exquisita, a pesar de perder fuerza en la última temporada y lo lógico era una muerte digna.

Bien sea a manos de Arya o su hermano Jaime, Cersei merecía tener espacio para batallar y pelear con Daenerys, así fuera ingeniándoselas para lanzarle bombas de fuego Valirio o derritiendo a su ejército al querer cruzar la puerta.

Pero no, en su lugar quiebran a un personaje que le toco caminar desnuda mientras le lanzaban excremento, que se repuso de eso y que demostró no tener límites en defender a sus hijos, recordemos que estaba embarazada.

Todo su plan se desmorona por las “nuevas habilidades” esquiva flecha de Daenerys y a pesar de tocar las campanas, es víctima del genocidio.

Es tan cobarde y tan vaga la narrativa, de vagancia a no escribir un buen guión, que Cersei muere tapiada como cualquier otro transeúnte común y corriente en Kings Landing. Como una cualquiera, como si no fuese ella la que dijo “Game of Thrones” a Ned en la primera temporada.

Un final indigno para un personaje de este calibre, sin contar que el pobre Jaime muere tapiado también, único consuelo para fans, mueren juntos los amantes.

No es posible una mujer que sobrevivio tanto, que fue la representación digna de una Leona que defiende a sus cachorros, se transforma en ratoncito mientras el fuego Valirio explota por accidente en puntos de la ciudad. La otra loca jamás demostró ser un dragón, por más que dijera Drakarys repetidas veces. En cambio, Cersei si es un León, como Arya es un Lobo.

Siento vergüenza ajena y a la vez dolor, porque este personaje tenía una tridimensionalidad increíble, porque la realidad es que, visto desde sus ojos, Cersei tenía razón. Defender a la familia es una prioridad, a los hijos ni se diga. No supieron darle cierre a su fuerza como Madre.

Si bien se estaba preparado a que Cersei debía morir y seguro con Jaime junto a ella, esta no era la manera, es una analogía a como los showrunners le tiraron un castillo en la cabeza a los fans, tipo no nos importa si les gusta, estamos cortos de tiempo.

Tyrion Lannister:

Se preguntarán por qué lo menciono, es que entre el genocidio y la tapiada a los Lannisters se puede olvidar el hecho del enano traidor.

Tyrion traiciono a Varys, por más que dije que a la Araña seguro lo ejecutaba Daenerys antes que todo por traición; jamas pensé que Tyrion iba a ser el autor de esto y aparte le da una palmadita, es de sociópatas esto.

Totalmente borrado el criterio de Tyrion, el honor, lo que lo diferencia de Cersei, TODO. Y sin contar que yo supuse que esta ejecución iba a ser catalizador para que Jon y Tyrion se le voltearan a la loca, pero que va, necesitaron el genocidio. Una vergüenza con nuestros héroes.

The Hound:

Esto visualmente es de viñeta de Giger mezclado con un video de Metal Progresivo post apocalíptico, en el lado positivo. ¿Lo negativo? Todo lo demás.

La cantidad de tiempo innecesario, el entorno, el hecho de vamos a ver el mal maquillaje zombie que tiene la Montaña y el desenlace fue fatal (literal).

A pesar de que la despedida del perro y Arya, fue lo único salvable en todo el episodio.

The Dark Knight Rises:

Si como lo leen, el ninja a.k.a. Arya Stark va a cumplir su profecía de los ojos verdes con la genocida de Daenerys y va a ser un momento de millones de aplausos.

Fans claman que sea Jon Snow el que la mate, pero no gracias. No rompan más personajes, Jon Snow no tiene en sí matar a esta mujer, no puede, por más que deba.

La movida es que Arya se infiltre y la mate. Jon tiene que matar es a Grey Worm.

Arya Stark es el mejor personaje que ha sobrevivido toda la serie y esta historia va a cambiar su nombre a “The Song of Arya Stark”.

Aún queda el episodio final, solo hay cuatro personajes vivos que aún no han sido asesinados en esencia, los Starks.

El final en el Trono aún puede estar en manos de Jon o Bran como lo conté la semana pasada.

Lo que sí es seguro, es que no importa cuántas montañas quieran trepar en este último episodio, no hay manera de recuperarse del quinto, arruinaron la serie y demostraron por qué es superior la BBC a cualquier cosa que se haga en Hollywood.

Quizás un solo escritor de la serie fue el Rorschach (Watchmen) de la partida y viendo lo que querían hacer con el cierre dijo “Never compromise. Not even in the face of the Armaggedon.”, a lo que lo terminan volando en mil pedacitos y arruinan la serie igual.

Valar Morghulis.

GAME OF THRONES- The End is Changing

First, lets share with all of you our initial resume of what we thought would happen before the awful third episode.

Knowing that. Let us state what the most probable ending to this battle is:

FIRST: Cersei loves Poetic Justice; an example is how she killed Ellaria Sand’s daughter in front of her.

She has something planned for Daenerys Targaryen demise that was revealed by her hand to Bronn when he was given the crossbow to murder Jaime and Tyrion.

In episode four, her plan was revealed; she broke Dany by killing her dragon Rhaegal and her best friend Missandei.

She wants to break Dany in a poetic way, she needs to fuel her impulsiveness and break everything she built, as she becomes the Mad Queen.

Cersei is pushing Daenerys to murder all the people in Kings Landing just to get to the Red Keep. She is also going to burn the Red Keep to the ground, as stated in the House of the Undying prophecy.

At this point, Cersei does not care about ruling and being Queen. The only thing she is after is revenge, for those who destroyed the Lannisters.

SECOND: Jon Snow probably would rise to the occasion as Aegon Targaryen, the rightful King. Surely, the Spider with his little birds it is taking care of spreading the word through Westeros.

On the trailer, he marches to King’s Landing facing the Golden Company, which I suspect maybe will line with Jon, in the midst of the massacre being held by Daenerys.

He has both Grey Worm and Tyrion by his side, which previously we could see talking to Daenerys on her dark throne on the trailer were we can assume she’s telling them that she’s about to burn Kings Landing to the ground, a thing that both men won’t support.

Another sure thing is that Daenerys would probably execute Varys for “treason” and this could be a catalyst for everyone abandoning her. Melissandre predicted Varys death.

To reaffirm that Jon will sit on the throne is the House of the Undying one, with snow falling over the Throne in the Red Keep. At first, we thought it was the Night King’s arrival to Kings Landing, but now we know that wasn’t it and also the Dragon shadow is Daenerys.

THIRD: Arya is coming to King’s Landing to fulfill the last of her prophecy, the green eyes.

The big question is: Who’s?

We thought for many years that surely will be Cersei’s, but Daenerys also has green eyes.

Moreover, here is a fact, Cersei on her prophecy is going to be killed by her little brother, and we all thing it is going to be Jaime.

He is probably becoming the King Slayer all over again by killing his sister, she could be in a rant with the wildfire like the Mad King and history repeats itself. It is poetic if they both die together by their hands.

On the other hand, Arya for sure doesn’t like Daenerys at all. In addition, since Cersei’s death is more a poetic Jaime moment, she will be the one to stop the Mad Queen, as she did with the Night King.

This for sure breaks my heart in a million pieces, since I do not want for Daenerys to die, and least of all by Arya’s hand.

However, this all can be out bent in a creepy manner, by Arya killing Jaime and wearing his face to kill Cersei. It could still be a freak show, we’ll see.

The thing is that the two Queens are clashing and an ideal is broken (Daenerys one), this will set the ground for a reconstruction with a  King who doesn’t have thirst for power and a reign that’s going to be just with its subjects. Alongside him the last of the Lannister’s, Tyrion.

FOURTH: Drogon might be a female Dragon.

This one is circling around the internet based on the look Euron Greyjoy is giving to the sky on the fifth episode trailer, and all the sky cameras. It is somewhat too much of a teaser for having only one dragon left.

The theory indicates that in the fourth season, when Drogon disappeared, was to laid eggs and have babies, that’s why Drogon was burning all that fields and eating all those animals, for the little dragons. Apparently, dragons can change sex at will, or at least in this world, George R. R. Martin hinted this one time.

If this happened in season four, they are probably big dragons now. What we do not know is if Daenerys knows this and it is keeping it to herself or if it will be a huge surprise for her, the new band of dragons.

However, if this is true, it surely will be revealed on the fifth episode and will give Daenerys a huge advantage and if she persists on attacking Kings Landing, an even bigger massacre.

FIFTH: The Tolkien parallelism.

In case you did not know, George R.R. Martin is a huge fan of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rigs and he somehow teased that his books ending will resemble this saga’s tone.

If we go deeper in this, we can interpret the story with a Tolkien point of view and maybe predict what is going to happen in the show, since Martin also revealed that the show and his unpublished books are very similar.

Let us dive in, first in this scenario the “ring” feature will be “the throne”, as a metal build thing that can make people kill themselves, gives power and drives them mad, transforming it in things (Gollum).

Knowing that the Throne is the Ring, and then who is Aragorn? It is safe to assume that it will be the hero Jon Snow, as he is the rightful heir to the Throne, but no… Jon Snow is Frodo, Why? Let us break it down:

-Jon was in many ways forced to embark in this adventure not by his own will, but he was pushed in to.

-He has scars that still hurts like Frodo’s.

-He also has his own Sam. That also say goodbye to Jon, by staying in a happy ever after place building a family.

-Aemon Targaryen was an influence on Jon in the Night’s Watch and he was a rightful King who decided not to rule and go North instead.

-In subtle ways it has been implied that he would rather live among the wildings North of the Wall, he did not say proper goodbye to Ghost.

-The love of his life is Ygritte not Daenerys.

It is not farfetched that Jon, who does not want to rule the Seven Kingdoms decides to go and live with the Wildings once this is all, settle in Kings Landing.

So, this would make Daenerys, Aragorn? Not in the least, she is Gollum. Why? Here it is:

-She is totally corrupted by the Throne.

-She lost herself in the grasp for power.

Do you need more reasons?

Then… who is Aragorn? There are people thinking a not so mad idea, that Bran Stark (Three Eyed Raven) is the rightful King. In the absence of Jon, being the Starks the heroes and he a man, he could have a fair claim.

However, not for this, but for the fact that as the Three Eyed Raven he could explore what other Kings make wrong in the past and evolve from this. It is not a bad suggestion that he ends up on the Throne, after that entire journey.

Who’s to say that the real reason that the Night King was obsessed to kill Bran over Jon is not the fact that he’s the one fit to rule all.

We will see about that.

In the meantime, if you ask me on these four theories what I prefer, I will tell you like this:

-Arya killing Cersei with a cup of wine wearing the mask of her maid.

-The Hound impaling the Mountain.

-Daenerys somehow stopped and married with Jon Snow, so they could rule together.

-Sansa Queen of the North.

-Tyrion right hand of the Monarchs.

I am a dreamer, I know.

This will end bad… and we should prepare, since Daenerys phrase “And we’re not men” does not apply anymore.

Valar Morghulis.


Para los fanáticos de Game of Thrones, descarga, arma y colecciona los Paper Toys de tus personajes favoritos: Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Joffrey Baratheon, The Hound, Brienne de Tarth, Hodor, Drogon y Ghost.


Estas son las INSTRUCCIONES para armar tus Paper Toys:

1) “Escoge tus armas”. Utiliza un papel grueso (200 gr o más) para impresoras de tinta común.

2) “La paciencia es una virtud”. Las líneas de ajuste se deben cortar con exacto. El resto depende de tu criterio. Es importante marcar bien los pliegues antes de encajarlos. Utiliza pegamento blanco, te ayudará a que tu figurín sea más firme.

3) “La defensa es el mejor ataque”. Hay varios factores que pueden dañar Tu figurín, por lo tanto, aplicar una capa de barníz para protegerlo. Esta capa será la mayor armadura que tu figurín pueda tener.

En este link puedes DESCARGAR  un PDF con los Paper Toys en Alta Definición: GAME OF THRONES- Paper Toys

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